‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’ Matthew 25:40 NLT
Giving back through life-changing experiences

The past few weeks have seen horrific devastation throughout much of the United States as a result of powerful storms and destructive tornados. Mission Harvest America (MHA) is currently responding to and assisting with response and recovery efforts. Numerous communities have been severely affected and many homes and businesses have been destroyed.
Mission Harvest America has a large warehouse (30,000 square ft.) in Weatherford, Oklahoma which will serve as a staging and logistics center for our response in the Midwest. The warehouse is conveniently located on I-40, providing easy access for truck deliveries. For more information regarding deliveries, contact Dr. Gary Adams 940-758-5450 or email to:
Monetary donations by mail or online
Mission Harvest America, Inc.
624 W. University Dr., #268 Denton, TX 76201
Donations to a specific project is a gift made to the entire Mission Harvest America, Inc. organization. While we endeavor to use the funds given as you suggested, in the event the project to which you donated is overfunded, your gift will be applied to another project or where most needed.