‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’ Matthew 25:40 NLT

Giving back through life-changing experiences

Working with the Ukraine Team

 It was great to meet up with Mission Harvest America-Ukraine team member Roman! He was proudly wearing his ICN Responder Pin I gave to the non-minister team of young men providing support to the mission.

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Please pray for this situation. One of the pastors I was with today has a son in the Ukraine military that has been fighting inside this city. He has been wounded twice. He is in the hospital now. 7 of his childhood friends were killed in one attack wounding him with a concussion. He fought on and he was again wounded in a firefight that killed four more friends. His father said his son is a believer in Christ and knows he will be in heaven if the Russians kill him. But pray over the son, I will not use his name.

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